Mentor coach supports coaches in developing their coaching skills further. Mentoring is often sought by ICF credential applicants. If you are a coach, it is a proven way to “sharpen your saw”, no matter your credentialing plan.
We organize small group mentoring cohorts as well as individual mentoring.Luba Diasamidze PhD, PCC is a certified mentor coach (CMC), and trained by ICF in PCC marker assessment. She has over 150 hours of coach mentoring experience
How It Is Done
Just like coaching, mentor coaching is a partnership. The primary goal we are pursuing is developmental. Your mentor is not going to tell you what you’ve done wrong. We’ll look at your strengths in sessions and partner to explore how your superpowers can help you craft your unique and authentic coaching style. We’ll also notice what limits your coaching, and what shifts may need to be created to enable you to support your clients at a higher professional level.
Luba mentors coaches in English. As the founder of UpThink coach training program, she has a brilliant international team of associate mentors who provide mentor coaching in different languages.
If you’d like to explore coach mentoring, especially if you coach cross-culturally, contact us